

rhodoSweetly soaked pastel petals

Floated, removed from their spindly stems

Their tops bobbing briefly to the surface

Of her lukewarm bath from early this morning

She had asked for roses, but instead

Received rhododendron

Dull tones to match her skin

Sinking, the flower buds wait to be saved

While she stays at the bottom

Lifeless in a porcelain vase

Thankful for Thanking

Although I try to value the little things in my life everyday, it is nice to have a holiday devoted to thankfulness.  It’s great to gather with friends and family and realize the things that matter the most.

So, for all of the people who are near and dear to me, this is for you (and perhaps other fellow WordPressers can find enjoyment out of this post):

Throwback! My sisters (twins). I also have a brother, who is not pictured.

I am thankful for all of the necessities I have.  Food, water, a house, and my health.  You don’t really think about how all of that is important, but it isn’t a right that everyone has.  There are the less fortunate that may lack food or water, which some of us waste everyday.  I try to not waste food or water because I know that there are those out there would jump at the opportunity to have what I have.

I am thankful for my friends and my family.  When I have a rough day or I feel under the weather, I know there are those special people waiting for me to feel better.  Sometimes when I feel a bit sad, a hug from my mom will make it all better.  My boss knows I am coming straight from school and I don’t have time to eat, so she will sometimes bring me in a snack.  My friends always listen to my stories, no matter how long and boring they will be.  There are people out there who may have a rough home life, and they may not have loving arms to walk into after a rough day.  Some people may not have close friends to get them through the day either.  I am happy that I have both.

I am thankful for a strong relationship with my boyfriend.  I am thankful that he only lives an hour away instead of being in a

Goofiest couple there is.

different state or country.  I am happy that he has helped me on my journey to becoming a better person.  He is not only my boyfriend, but my best friend.  I know not every girl can be as lucky as I am, but I am thankful everyday for what him and I share.

I am thankful for my kitties, of course.  I know it sounds weird to be thankful for them, but they are the best pets a girl can ask for.  When you don’t have a human around you for comforting, they are there ready to comfort you.  I am thankful for the fact that I am even allowed to have a pet, and I value their warm little presences every day! Meow!

Florence and Zooey

I am thankful for the fact that I can further my education with college.  I know that not every young adult has this option.  I know that at one point I was not sure if I would even be able to go to college.  Although some days I dread going to class or I feel overwhelmed with what I have to do for school, I am thankful that I can look forward to a brighter future.

Lastly, I am thankful for my jobs.  The economy is rough, and blame whoever you want, but those of us that have jobs (no matter how small) should be thankful.  There are some people out there who struggle to get by with what they have, and I am thankful that my two small part-time jobs are helping me pay for what is important to me right now (which sometimes may include coffee in excess).

Five years later, she’s still my best friend.

These are the most important things that I am thankful for.  I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving can have a wonderful day filled with what matters the most (okay, pumpkin pie can count).  If you are in a place that does not have this holiday, I hope that you can take the time to at least think about what you value, and let them know.


Don’t Go Towards the Light!

Living in Pennsylvania is really irksome sometimes.  Especially when it comes down to weather.  I’m not sure what it is like in other states or countries, but on the East Coast the weather is very bipolar.

It is so deceiving when the weather is terrible for a week, and then Mother Nature decides to be beautiful for a few days.  You would think this would be a good thing, but no sooner does the weather become nice, does Mother Nature snatch that wonderful sunshine-y goodness away from us.

Can I have this everyday, please and thank you?

“Ha ha, I got you now!”

I can just see her laughing.

You think that it is going to be so beautiful for a while longer, and you think, “Hey, this is the best fall ever!”  Don’t do it!  Don’t believe the rays of goodness!

The reason this comes about is that I can actually pleasantly sit on my computer without scowling at the draft that is seeping through my window.  It has been a wonderful 60 degrees this weekend, and I am sure that when this next week gets moving, it will be freezing again.  Don’t get me wrong, I love this nice weather, especially during fall.  It’s just depressing because I know it will not last.

“Muahahaha….” said Mother Nature.

I’m still trying to pretend that it isn’t November.


An Award? For Me?

Well I knew I was going to write something tonight, but little did I know that it would be thanking the academy, my parents, and Jesus.  Oh wait, wrong speech…

I am thanking the one blogger who nominated me for this thing called the “Very Inspiring Blogger” award.  Blogger “B” from Rambles, Rants and Raves has awarded me this award.  This concept is new to me, but I am always open to receiving things like gifts, candy, back massages, and virtual awards.  Please check out her blog (I’m assuming she is female because there was one post of Ryan Gosling shirtless…..let’s be serious.) because the posts are witty and easy to relate to, and I love people that rant.

So, there are some rules to accepting this award.  I better follow them.  Whoever is nominated needs to:

-Thank the blogger that nominated you/gave you the award

-Put up the award on your blog page

-Tell the world seven wonderful things about yourself

-Nominate 15 bloggers.  Tell them that you nominated them and how to accept the award.

Decided to put a happy kitty picture (inspiration: B) to set the mood.

Kitty love!

I posted the award at the end of this post.  I just thought it looked better that way.

I need to say seven things about myself.  Well, what to say.

1. I love cats.  Like, if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would be considered a crazy cat lady.  Actually, it doesn’t really matter that I’m dating.  I am still a crazy cat lady.  But I don’t care, look at my kitties and tell me you wouldn’t be crazy about them. 

2.  I have two jobs, which are amusing and busy for the most part.  I am a “librarian’s assistant” at a library, and at my college, I work in the Marketing and Communications department. Basically, I am surrounded by computers, books, and writing.  Three of my favorite things!

3.  I am trying to be a decent cook, so I have been collecting cookbooks and stashing them in my attic for when I move out.  I have made some pretty okay dishes like Fettuccine Alfredo and Butternut Squash Soup.  My all-time favorite book (that I want to buy) is Martha’s American Food.  Every single recipe makes me go, “MMMM.”

4. I always enjoy meeting new people.  I talk excessively and when someone talks back and shares the same interests, I dub them my friend.  Sometimes that works out.  I met this super spectacular guy at the library.  He always checks out Shakespeare books or classics.  He has a great personality and my night is not-so-terrible when he comes in to say, “What’s up.”

5.  I have a collection of Winnie the Pooh merchandise.  Books, mugs, stuffed animals, a kite, PEZ dispensers, and mini statues.  A.A. Milne would be proud.

6.  I’m sure most of you know the next fact…but I cannot live without my coffee.  House blend, dark roast, light roast, Pumpkin flavored, Hazelnut, French Vanilla, gas station coffee, home brewed, Keurig cups, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks….you name it, I will drink it.  I typically spend half of my paycheck at Dunkin Donuts.  Caramel coffee with cream no sugar.

7.  When I do math homework I don’t understand, I get so worked up that I start to hyperventilate  which also includes me pulling my eyelids and yelling, “MATH IS STUPID.”

There are seven more facts you probably didn’t care to know but read anyway.  Now, for the people I nominate.  These are in no particular order either.

1.  Fed Up Food:  The best blog if you want to hear someone rant about food.  He rants, and gives recommendations about all kinds of food.  Some people don’t really care too much about what they are eating or where they are eating.  Some of his posts really make me laugh, and some really open my eyes to the important world of eating.

2.  Mae’s Beauty Reports:  I love doing art on my nails, and the best way to get tips on how to do so is on Mae’s blog.  She claims to be no professional, but her nail art looks like something you would have to go to school for in order to perfect!  Stop by her blog for great tips on nail art, makeup, and also accessories!

3.  Bucket List Publications:  You know when you sit around with your friends and say how much you want to travel and experience the world?  Well, this blog shows how one woman doesn’t just talk about it, she actually goes out and achieves her “wildest dreams.”  From rock climbing to skydiving it seems to me this woman has done it all, and the fact that she doesn’t plan on stopping makes me continue to stop by her blog.

4.  The Life and Times of Nathan Badley:  This was one of the first blogs I followed, shortly around the time when I started my own blog.  I love his writing because it is about random things that are both funny and relevant.  A recent post about cupcakes really had me “Lol.”

5.  Sarah Smiles Awhile:  Also another hilarious blogger.  I love her humor and her usage of lists in her about me section.  I too, love lists!  I think I always smile when I read her post, and I know you will too!

6.  The Urchin Movement:  I really enjoy reading the posts of the Urchins.  They provide a topic of conversation for any ordinary human being.  Their categories range from politics to art.  Stop by if you want something a bit more serious.

7.  Misanthropology 101:  First found this blogger because he had a post about his cats.  As you know from my seven facts above, I love cats.  So therefore, I love this blogger.  Okay, that’s a stretch, but his posts are amusing, and he writes about some of my favorite things (I am talking things other than cats).  Check out his blog because I feel like I am not doing his writing justice.

8.  Disphotic:  He uses photography and writing on his blog.  His writing includes a variety of topics, and I enjoy the fact that he is a photojournalist.  Stop by his blog and prepare to be amazed!

9.  Canadian Hiking Photography:  They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  This guy has a passion for both photography and hiking, and you can see some pretty magnificent photographs, and even purchase some (which trust me, you’ll want to).

10.  Vintage Vicar:  Another thing I love is fashion.  I am always trying to find funky outfits to wear to school, or work, or for whatever! I really enjoy this fashion blog.  It is apparent she loves clothing of all kinds, and I like to look at her posts when I am need for something different to add to my own outfits.

I only listed 10 blogs instead of 15 because I am getting tired and I am lazy.  I apologize to the Blog Award Cops.  Please don’t arrest me.  Perhaps I will add on the other five at a later date.  My laziness reminds me that I really need to start blogging every day.  I am sure the bloggers I nominated above are more determined to post everyday, whereas I am not.  I use these bloggers for motivation when I am feeling down-in-the-dumps.  Sometimes you can’t look toward your Facebook friends for inspiration.  The true passionate people are the ones on WordPress.  They blog because they have a passion for something, whether it be fashion, food, writing, or photography.  Keep on writing friends, thanks for the inspiration!  And thanks again B for my first ever award.  I’m glad my goofy rants and attempt at motivational posts are good enough for someone (other than my cats)!
